Check this every other month for different coupons. Don't shy away from whole foods coupons, you can use them at Publix. These coupons change regularly and yes, you can use them at Publix too! These change every week, so check back. There is a print limit, so don't print them all at once. Their coupons are all natural and organic, you can print them from the site. She has links to tons of coupon sites that may have organic or natural coupons.
Picture from These coupons expire quickly (2 weeks or so), so only print the ones that you’ll use soon. They also have a print limit, so print them sparingly. They usually have a coupon for regular batteries and rechargeable. Using rechargeable is not only green, but it saves you green. I have charged my batteries so many times and I can't remember the last time I bought alkaline.
Now go save some green, while you are saving the planet.
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